How can I stay updated on policy work around equitable food access?
The Somerville Food Coalition follows several statewide organizations that focus on food, nutrition, and agriculture policies in Massachusetts. Interested in learning more? Check out their websites and/or sign up to receive updates.
Mass Food System Collaborative focuses on building collective action toward an equitable, sustainable, resilient, and connected local food system in Massachusetts. They work across the food system, including advocacy around agricultural systems, food donation, food literacy, and the Healthy Incentive Program (HIP).
- Find a full list of their legislative priorities for the 2025-2026 session here.
- This page includes a great FAQ for advocates. Check out the sections on the legislative and budget process in MA.
MLRI focuses on advancing laws, policies, and practices that secure economic, racial, and social justice for low-income people and communities. Their work includes advocating to improve food access through benefits like SNAP, HIP, and cash assistance.
Project Bread’s advocacy work focuses on policies that make food more accessible so that no one goes hungry.
- Find a list of policy priorities and action steps at the state and federal levels here.
Follow your local legislators
Another way we stay up to date is by following the activity of our local legislators through their newsletters and other media. Find a full list of the people elected to represent Somerville at the local, state, and federal level here.