Click below or scroll to learn about transportation to food or free/low-cost delivery options.
What: Prepared meals offered by Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES)
Who: Older adults (60+) living in Somerville or Cambridge
Contact: SCES Aging Information, 617-628-2601
Cost: Free for low-income older adults. *Those with higher income pay an affordable rate.
What: Grocery delivery 1-2 times per month from Project SOUP
Who: Homebound households with limited access to other food resources
*Project SOUP may be able to still offer delivery. Reach out to learn more!
Contact: Email or call Project SOUP (617-776-7687) for more information
Cost: Free
What: Prepared meals offered by local non-profit Community Servings
Who: Those with qualifying medical conditions, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or cancer, among others. Contact 617-533-7777 for a full list or for help applying.
Contact: Apply here. You will need verification from your medical provider.
Cost: Free